Orientation Bibiolography


Abdallah-Pretceille M. Vers une pédagogie interculturelle, Presses de la Sorbonne, 1986
Asselin, Gilles et Ruth Mastron. Français-Américains. Alban Editions, 2005
Asselin, Gilles and Ruth Mastron. Au contraire ! Figuring out the French. Intercultural
Press, 2001
Ben-Messahel, Salhia. Des frontières de l’interculturalité; Etude pluridisciplinaire de la représentation culturelle : Identité et Altérité, Septentrion Presses universitaires, 2009
Baudry, Pascal. Français et Américains : l’autre rive. Village mondial, 3ème éditon, 2007
Brislin, Richard W., Kenneth Cushner, Craig Cherrie, Mahealani Yong. Intercultural
Interactions: A Practical Guide. Sage Publications,1986

Brislin, Richard. Understanding Culture’s Influence on Behavior. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
College Publishers, 1993
Carroll, Raymonde. Evidences invisibles. Seuil, 1987
Carroll, Raymonde. Cultural Misunderstandings: The French-American Experience
University of Chicago, 1988
Colin L., Muller B. La pédagogie des rencontres interculturelles, Anthropos, 1996Eriksen
Demorgon, Jacques. Complexité des cultures et de l’interculturel ; contre les pensées uniques, Anthropos, 4e édition revue et augmentée, 2010
Terzian A. Vidéo et pédagogie interculturelle, Anthropos, 1998
Gudykunst, William B; and Young Un Kim. Communicating with Strangers: An Approach to Intercultural Communication. Random House, 1984
Hall, Edward and Mildred Reed Hall. Understanding Cultural Differences: Germans, French
and Americans, Intercultural Press, ?
Hall, Edward. Beyond Culture. Doubleday, 1976
Hess, J. Daniel, Study Abroad/Learning Abroad: An Abridged Version of The Whole World
Guide to Culture Learning. Interncultural Press
Hostede, Geert. Cultures and organizations. Harper Collins Publishers
Kohls, L. Robert. Survival Kit for Oversea Living. Intercultural Press, ?)
Kohls, L. Robert. Developing Intercultural Awareness. SETAR, 1981
Lipianski E. Marc. La communication interculturelle. A. Colin, 1989 .
Luce, Louise Fiber. The French-Speaking World: An Anthology of Cross-Cultural Perspectives. National Textbook Company, 1991
Mestenhauser, Josef A.; Gayla Marty, and Inge Steglitz. Culture, Learning, and the Disciplines: Theory and Practice in Cross-Cultural Orientation. NAFSA, 1988
Mumford, Monica G. and Sandra M. Fowler, Intercultural Source Book, Vol 2: Cross-
Cultural Training Methods. Intercultural Press
Nadeau, Jean-Benoit et Julie Barlow. Sixty Million Frenchmen Can’t Be Wrong: Why We
Love France but not the French. Robson Press, 2004.
Paige, R. Michael. Education for the Intercultural Experience. (Intercultural Press, 1993
Paige, R. Michael, et. al., Maximizing Study Abroad : A Students’ Guide to Strageties for
Language and Cultural Leaning and Use. The University of Minnesota Press, 2009.
Platt, Polly. French or Foe: Getting the Most Out of Living and Working in France. Cultrual
Crossings, 1994
Platt, Polly. Savoir Faire! 211 Tips for Enjoying France and the French. Cultural Crossing,
Samovar, Larry A and Richard E. Porter. Intercultural Communication: A Reader.
Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1982
Samovar, Larry A and Richard Porter. Communication between Cultures. Wadsworth
Publishing Company, 1991
Sauquet, Michel. L’intelligence de l’autre, Editions Charles Léopold Mayer, 2008
Shaules, Joseph. A Beginner’s Guide to the Deep Cultural Experience. Intercultural Press,
Stanger, Ted. Sacrés français: un Américain nous regarde. Folio, 2004. 17ème edition.
Storti, Craig. The Art of Crossing Cultures. Intercultural Press, 1989 Vinsenneau, Geneviève. Culture et comportement. Armand Colin, 2003
Weeks, William H, Paul B Pedersen and Prichard W. Brislin. A Manual of Structured Experiences for Cross-Cultural Learning (Intercultural Press)
Laurence Wylie, Jean-François Brière. Les Français. (Prentice Hall: 2001)

L’Etranger/Le Touriste

Kristeva, Julia. Etranger à nous-mêmes (Flammarion, 1991)
Le Blanc, Guillaume. Dedans, dehors: La Condition d’étranger (Editions du Seuil, 2010)
Levenstein, Harvey. Seductive Voyage: American Tourists in France from Jefferson to the Jazz Age (The University of Chicago Press, 1998)
Levenstein, Harvey. We’ll Always Have Paris: American Tourists in France since 1930 (University of Chicago Press, 2004)
MacCannell, Dean. The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class (University of California Press, 1999)
Pugibet V. Se former à l’altérité par le voyage dès l’école, L’Harmattan, 2004
Nancy J.-L. Être singulier pluriel, Galilée, 1996,
Todorov, Tzvetan. Nous et les autres (Seuil, 1992)